Thursday, February 4, 2010

Is Genital Herpes Really Bad How Bad Is Genital Herpes Really?

How bad is Genital Herpes really? - is genital herpes really bad

I only ask because most people with genital herpes do not know they have it. Most of the adult population carries antibodies to herpes. And genital herpes is a disease similar to that in another place. So while no one wants to have genital herpes, it is really difficult, or is it more of a social stigma?


Byakuya said...

Well, if a model for Victoria's Secret wanted to have sex with me, but I knew he genital herpes, in turn, by her .. (assuming that I was alone, of course) .. Once you have, you have it for life .. No thanks!

Phoenix said...

Social stigma tends to the first victims of HSV-2. Lack of awareness of the issue has become herpes in a shameful condition. I'm not saying it's something to be proud of, but certainly has not earned the bad reputation.

How can you see through a variety of opinions available to herpes is sensational and distorted.

The facts are quite simple.

Genital herpes is a part of the Herpesviridae family, which also varicella-zoster, and monkeys.

About 80% of Americans have HSV-1 and 25% have HSV-2.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 are virtually identical. Both types infect the mucous membranes of the body (usually the mouth or genitals), then hide in the nervous system. The main difference between the two virus types is where they hide the most. HSV-1 is usually latency in trigeminal ganglia, a series of nerve cells near the ear. Therefore, it tends to return to the lower lip or face. HSV-2 is normally resident in the sacral ganglion at the base of the spine. FROME, it is repeated in the genital area. This difference is not absolute. Each type can be infected in one or both parts of the body and oral and / or genital area.

VHS is a permanent condition, but there is no risk to health. No one can the cold! But the complaints of epidemics and psychological distress may seem very important. Most people infected with HSV have advanced very little. Those who suffer from diseases that are several successful treatment options for solutions of antivirals such as Valtrex. There are few documented cases of anti-viral treatment does not improve symptoms.

HSV increases the risk of contracting HIV, because of open lesions and the immune system already difficult to eradicate the virus.

Herpes does not produce cancer. It HPV (human papillomavirus). A completely different viruses that over 75% of women at some point in their life contract. About 1% of people with cancer of the cervix infected with HPV.

HSV-2 canrepresent a risk to the baby during birth. There is the possibility of a Party HSV unborn child if the mother has her first outbreak during pregnancy. This is very rare. Otherwise, the doctor will Caesarean section if the mother has an active outbreak at the time of delivery.

The truth of the matter is that nobody wants a healthy state. If you are asthma, allergies, psoriasis, no visual disturbances, or herpes does not define - that you are as a person. You just do your best to stay alive. Unfortunately, for those of us with herpes, we are dealing with negative stereotypes and misinformation that can deal us a sense of social leper. I've never had a symptom, but I felt dirty. I contracted HSV from my husband, but I've always been called a bitch. I did not feel lovable, because many people in their opinions without guidance herpes are caught. These are herpes so bad.

I took a proactive approach. I am talking about. I write this. I do what I can persI know the truth. Therefore, I support my family and friends. Most people are afraid to talk and are forced to suffer in silence.

Calliegi... said...

My husband has me. I happen to be allergic to the treatment ... Surprise! So I had an outbreak in more than four 1 / 2 months. No sex. Even on their wedding night. I had severe pain and itching, and various other infections due to my immunity is low. I'm always tired and have a cold. I fear that if I have a caesarean children. I'm afraid for my children who are blind or of herpes. Not for some people to recognize those who have it ... as one of my friends. But for me ... is hell.

goodguy_... said...

You know that ..................

Genital recurrent genital herpes can cause painful lesions in many adults, and herpes infection can be severe in people with weakened immune systems. Regardless of the severity of symptoms, genital herpes frequently causes psychological distress in people who know they are infected.

In addition, genital HSV can cause potentially fatal infections in infants. It is important that women contracting herpes during pregnancy, because avoiding a first episode during pregnancy is an increased risk for transmission causes for the child. If a woman has active genital herpes at birth, cesarean section is done in general. Fortunately, the infection of a child of a woman with herpes infection is rare.

Herpes may play a role in the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Herpes can infect people more susceptible to infection with HIV, and enable people with HIV more infectious.

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